Preventative health care   


- Your puppy would have been vaccinated at 6 weeks of age. The first vaccination includes a C3 vaccine that covers Canine Parvovirus, Canine Adenovirus and Canine Distemper Virus. An additional of Leptospirosis Vaccine will also be given. 

- Your puppy will be due for second puppy vaccination around 12 weeks of age. At this age a C5 vaccination should be given - a C5 vaccine prevents the 3 viruses similar to C3 vaccine plus Kennel Cough. If your vet clinic has leptospirosis vaccination (in the form of C2i), please request to get the vaccine booster as well.  

- Your puppy will be due for a third puppy vaccination around 16 weeks of age. This is another C5 booster vaccine.  

- After the 16 weeks vaccination, a yearly vaccination is needed.  

Please check with your local clinic as some clinic offers a 3-yearly C3 vaccine. If you are worried about over-vaccination (not something I worried about), you can request for a titre testing from your local veterinary clinic yearly.  


Intestinal worming  

- I recommend using either Milpro or Drontal to worm your dog as they both covers all intestinal roundworm, hookworm and tapeworm.  

- Your pup will be dewormed using Milpro or Drontal starting at the age of 2 weeks old every fortnightly until 12 weeks of age then monthly until 6 months. After 6 months of age it is best to deworm your dog every 3 months.  


Heartworm prevention  

 - It is important to protect your dog from heartworm as they transmit through mosquitoes and dogs that are positive for heartworm will result in heart failure and subsequently death.  

- There are multiple options to prevent your dog from heartworm disease but the 2 options that I recommended will be listed below: 

1) Proheart injection (Moxidectin) 

Proheart injection can be started as early as 12 weeks old in puppies. Usually the pup will then need a booster proheart injection at 6 months of age then we can time the proheart injection together with yearly vaccinations.  


2) Nexgard spectra 

Nexgard spectra is a good oral worming product that covers heartworm alongside with fleas, ticks and other parasites. It needs to be given monthly to ensure your dog is protected from heartworm.  


Flea and tick treatment  

- I recommend using Nexgard Spectra (monthly) or Bravecto (3 monthly) for flea and tick treatment.  

- If you are to travel to high tick areas such as Brisbane or Queensland with your dog please ensure your dog has adequate tick prevention as these are has a high number of tick paralysis cases which can cause paralysis and death. 

- I do not recommend getting flea and tick prevention products from Coles or Woolworths. 

General Health Care & Information  


- Ears care 

Please make sure to check your dog’s ears frequently. Ensure it is nice and pink and not red and sore. Most ear infections are caused by water entering the ear canal and moisture build up causing yeast and bacterial infection. If your dog loves swimming or goes to the groomer please ensure to use some ear drying flush such as Epi-otic or Alpha ear cleaner after these occasions. If there is any yellow or black discharge or if the skin of the ears looked inflamed there is most likely some infection happening and veterinary advice and medication will be needed. Please do not use home remedies such as apple cider vinegar as it may cause long term issues to your dogs ear.  


- Skin and coat care 

It is relatively common for your pup to be scratching the first few weeks when you first expose him/her to the outdoors as their body is getting used to all the environmental pathogens. It is NOT normal to have excessive scratching to the point of skin inflammation or sores appearing on skin. If this happens please contact your local vet.  

Oatmeal shampoo and conditioner will be best for your dog’s coat. Please do not use human shampoo on dogs. I will suggest giving 1 tablet of human grade fish oil once daily (1000mg) to your pup as it will help with his/her coat long term.  


- Dental care 

Similar to humans, the best way to keep your dog’s teeth clean is by brushing it. You can either get a doggy tooth brush or a baby tooth brush. Toothpaste are optional but dogs tend to tolerate brushing teeth more when you use a nice doggy toothpaste. By brushing your dog’s teeth every 2-3 days will help reducing tartar build up. If you want to brush your dog’s teeth make sure you start them early.  

Other things that can reduce tartar build up on your dog’s teeth includes Orivet Dental Chews, big marrow bones (good quality) and Royal Canin or Hills Dental diet. 

I recommend getting your vet to check your dog’s teeth every time you visit them. If there is extensive tartar build up it is best to book a dental procedure with your vet. Ensuring your dogs has good dental hygiene will keep him healthy as bad dental can cause heart, liver and kidney disease/failure.  

- Water 

Fresh water should always be available, a strong bowl (or two) should be used for Golden Retrievers as they tend to play in their bowl and knock them over or sit in them.  

Google ‘Anti-splash dog water bowl’ and there are multiple options for you to choose from.  


- Bedding 

Make sure your dogs bed is warm and away from dampness or draughts. You can use raised dog beds inside and outside. I like Snooza Orthopaedic beds for my golden indoors.